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Analogue Images in Review - Union Magazine

Analogue Images, edited by Guillermo Fernández-Abascal, Urtzi Grau and Janelle Woo, explores the photographic practice of Melbourne-based Rory Gardiner and Brussels-based Maxime Delvaux. A follow-up to the photographers’ exhibition at the Tin Sheds Gallery at the University of Sydney of the same name. The book asks, “what is the role of contemporary photography in building space? Just where do the dialogues, tensions, and reciprocities between photography and architecture lie?

Three Peaks House - Ha Architecture | Habitus Living

Designed for Ha Architecture’s extended family, Three Peaks House sees the firm apply its design ethos to an addition that complements a heritage home in Preston, Melbourne. The brief was to extend the living areas for the family while engaging the north-facing garden. “The clients are passionate about design and were keen to improve their charming family home for the next phase of their lives,” says Ha Principal, Nick Harding.

ESSAY: Bridie Gillman, 'Sight Lines' at Edwina Corlette, Brisbane

....the paintings invite a moment of pause. A moment to be in the landscape. Hear the wind and rain. Watch the shadows dance in the foliage. Gillman invited this energy in the repetition of line, form, and colour—translated from the rural typology. Engaging not only the senses we resonate with on an immediate basis (like smell, sight, touch, taste, hear), but also the ones we don’t—memory and emotion—for a tapping into the subconscious....
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